PS: If you’re new to MicroBytes here’s a super short intro
Ali is a software engineer at Facebook where he works on the FB groups team. Previously he worked at Doordash where he helped build the convenience product for iOS from the ground up.
He also writes about tech on his blog, which I highly recommend reading.
In just 256 words he shares :
- How he shortened his learning curve
- The books that helped him in his career
- mistakes he sees young developers make
and more …
Thank you, Ali
let’s get started:
What do you know about your work now that you wish you’d known when you first started?
Make sure people recognize your work, move fast, and focus on important work. If you’re in the wrong team (you can usually tell if you are), move on to another team or company asap. Don’t fart around for job security.
What’s the #1 thing that has helped you shorten your learning curve?
Get your hands dirty asap. Don’t get into the trap of following tutorials or reading ‘How-Tos’ all day.
What’s your work routine?
I start my day early morning with prayer and get straight to coding work until noon. I usually pray, eat lunch with my family, and continue coding until 3 pm. I then go out for a long walk alone, spend time with the family at home, and work on side projects.
What book has helped you the most over your career?
Deep Work by Cal Newport, Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, a ton of biography books (my favorite is John D Rockefeller and Steve Jobs biographies)
What are some common mistakes you see young developers make?
Not thinking big, not saving enough, buying expensive crap when they can’t afford it, wasting time with the wrong people.
And your parting piece of advice?
Think Big. Work Deeply. Don’t be afraid to kick a$$ and get recognition for it.